Atlas 🌍 vs Bullhorn 🐮

A lot has changed in the last 20 years!
Recruiters choose Atlas because they need software to match the demands of modern recruitment

You could play it safe, use the same tools as everyone else and offer the same service…
Or you could choose an unfair advantage and adopt an end-to-end platform built natively with AI

Before we go further, what can Atlas do?

Outreach at scale

AI powered ATS

Interview Intelligence

AI Powered CRM

Business Development


Outreach at scale

Deliver multi-channel, multi-touch campaigns at scale without leaving your platform.

  • Create highly personalised outreach campaigns for both clients and candidates.
  • Cut 2 hours of daily admin to 10 minutes
  • Get emails and phone numbers from a billion different people
  • Use AI to deliver first draft’s based on all your data in seconds
  • Track open rates – automate your admin.

Gone are the days of having to buy another platform just to send Outreach campaigns

Save 2 hours per day, now.

AI powered ATS

You spend most of your time in your ATS. Shouldn’t it be fun?

  • Atlas loads pages 20x faster than Bullhorn. Yup – you didn’t have to wait all that time.
  • Beautiful ‘Notion style’ editting, everywhere.
  • Job pipelines are totally customisable without breaking your analytics!
  • Drop your separate scheduling tool. We’ve built one just for recruiters!
  • Search candidates based on everything your entire company says, hears. reads or writes
  • Query your entire companies living knowledge with as little as a question.


Get started, now.

Interview Intelligence

You’ve scribbled your last set of notes.

Atlas joins your candidate and client calls, writes diligent and thorough notes and remembers all that info forever.

  • AI transcription of every meeting.
  • Q&A notes of every meeting.
  • Create custom templates to get different notes for the same call (eg Job Descriptions, intake meetings, favourite foods…)
  • Ask the interview anything with our AI powered Q&A

No need to buy another interview AI tool that won’t integrate natively. It’s ready for you, now.


Learn more

AI Powered CRM

An assistant that takes care of all your admin so you can focus on making placements?

  • Your inbox live synced with your candidate database
  • All resumes and files synced and parsed with 99% accuracy (no third party system required)
  • Automatic enrichment of candidates with seniority, industry, and function. Search is getting a LOT easier
  • We also enrich companies – in a few minutes you are going to be as knowledgeable as Warren Buffett!


Learn a little more

Business Development

Business development is your number one priority. We take it seriously.

  • Create Business Development campaigns with no additional training or UX required.
  • Get phone numbers and emails instantly.
  • Create multi-step, multi-touch campaigns.
  • Generate spec emails that match a candidate to a job, perfectly
  • Create standardised resumes and anonymised resumes in less than a second

Time to win more clients?



Win more clients, now.


You thought Bullhorn was good?…. You were RIGHT!

Bullhorn really has a gold standard in dashboarding and analytics. So we decided to use a phenomenal partner to deliver some incredible dashboards with a huge amount of flexible to ensure you can manage your agency for maximum placements.

  • Top level company data
  • Individual / company data
  • Campaign data
  • Custom pages
Learn more





Did you ever wonder why it takes so long to load each page?

0.1 seconds

4 seconds

Chrome Extension

Sync candidate data directly from the platform and launch multi-touch, multi-step campaigns

Email and phone data

Get email and phone data natively inside the platform

Customisable pipelines

Customise pipelines for every job without impacting your analytics

User-friendly drag-and-drop interface


Connect your system with a wide range of third-party applications

We build the ones you need, fast

Lots more than Atlas!

Interview AI

AI generated notes for all your calls

Search everywhere

Search everything your company has ever said, heard, read or wrote for that perfect candidate

Ask AI

Query your companies entire knowledge in real time for anything

Unique features

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The best Chrome extension on planet earth

An extension built directly into Chrome, super fast and super flexible, allowing you to manage your campaigns and projects, schedule meetings and get contact info. A truly powerful little thing.

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Never tag anything ever again

AI enriches all the people on your database with industry, role, function, company, skill, everything.

The days of tagging your data are long gone.

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You’ve scribbled your last set of candidate and client notes

Invite Atlas to your meetings and everything will be written down for you. Focus on the conversation without missing a single word.

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The combined knowledge of your entire company

Atlas listens to everything that everyone says hears reads or writes, allowing you to access your companies hive mind in just a few seconds.